Possum sweet flour paste recipe


The following recipe has been shared by Cam Speedy from Wildlife Management Associates Ltd.

His advice is to mix up the following ingredients in a large tub/bucket and for a larger batch, multiply the recipe by 10.

  • 1kg flour
  • 100g icing sugar
  • 15ml cinnamon, peach, eucalyptus or vanilla essence
A Flipping Timmy possum trap mounted on a tree with white flour paste below it. In the background people are walking through the bush.
Sweet flour paste for luring possums. Image credit: PFNZ

Where do I put it?

Sprinkle the surroundings and smear on tree trunks but not on bait stations or traps, as the flour will go mouldy.

More information

Camp Speedy smearing flour paste on a tree. A Timms trap is on the ground nearby.
Cam Speedy smears flour paste on a tree trunk near a Timms possum trap. Image credit: PFNZ

Watch our webinar with Cam to learn other useful tips and tricks for trapping introduced predators.

‘Attention to detail’ is Cam’s number one tip for trapping.

He runs through how to ensure your trapping is as effective as possible.