Spread the word

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Get the neighbours involved

Introduced predators don’t care about fencelines and property boundaries, so teaming up with your neighbours will give you a much better chance of success.

Read our section on how to get them involved.

Two people stand talking. Involving neighbours is one way to spread the word.
Get the neighbours involved. Image credit: Jonny Gios

Join or start a group

View our national map to see if there’s already a group in your area. It’s a great way to work as a team, share advice and equipment, and make a difference. If you can’t find a local group, here’s how to start your own.

Get your local school involved

Find out if your local school is already trapping, or if they would like to start.

Share stories on social media

Image of phone showing Instagram. Using social media can help spread the word
Use social media. Image credit: Solen Feyissa

Post online about your predator control work, the resulting increase in local wildlife, and share updates from Predator Free NZ (follow us on Facebook and Instagram) and other conservation groups such as DOC and Forest & Bird.

Sharing stories is a great way to get people more invested, and through social media you can connect with a wide range of people who are also interested in local conservation.

Contact your local council and environmental groups

Find out what your council is already doing to help protect native wildlife. Are there local planting days or workshops you can join? Meetings you can attend? Contact your local MP to find out what’s happening and what still needs to be done.