Other articles tagged with Native wildlife

A close up of a kōkako

From one pair to many: these volunteers saved this Auckland kōkako population

When volunteers started helping kōkako in the Hūnua Ranges there was just one breeding pair left. But it wasn't too late - thirty years later, there are more than 250 pairs.
Photo of moon phases

Predator trapping by the moon: the influence of maramataka 

Many people recognise the influence that the moon phase can have on hunting, fishing and gardening. It’s the same with trapping predators.   
A trap box in the foreground in an alpine valley.

If you’ve ever thought, “what’s the point?” about nature conservation, this study is for you

Nature conservation really, actually works, and control of invasive species shows the largest positive impact, according to a new global study.
The words Why Apu juxtaposed over forested mountains.

Thriving garden to empty shell, ‘Why Apu?’ 

Silent forests with chewed-out undergrowth and mountainsides slipping away. A new documentary series unveils crisis and hope in the heart of the East Cape.
Poison claws and slime assault: 7 nocturnal creatures to delight in this forested estate

Poison claws and slime assault: 7 nocturnal creatures to delight in this forested estate

When the sun goes down, a whole new world wakes up in this native forest subdivision.
Rat in some leaf litter

Troubleshooting tips: what to do when your rat trap isn’t catching any rats

Here are some tips to make your trap more effective. To trap rats successfully you need to know more about them, specifically their behaviours and what motivates them.
A cat on a leash outside.

Inside scoop: Q&A with an indoor cat owner

Meet Tess and her beloved cats, Sylvia and Sooty. Tess made the choice to keep them indoors from day one - “Safe at home, don’t let me roam”.
Getting your hands dirty with a practical guide to trapping

Getting your hands dirty with a practical guide to trapping

Order a copy of this comprehensive 80-page booklet for all the best practice tools you need for effective predator control in your community.
Powelliphanta - a giant snail - on the forest floor

Beyond birds: 5 things that benefit from predator control

Predator control in New Zealand is one of the ways we can bring birds and many other species back from the threat of extinction.
Two women smile holding trapping tunnels.

Funding nature: a boost for backyard trapping

From Auckland to Canterbury, these groups are taking on predators, bringing communities closer together and giving our endangered species a fighting chance.
A german wasp.

Buzz off: 7 facts about wasps

When you think of “introduced predators”, what comes to mind? Probably feral cats, rats and stoats. Wasps are introduced predators too.
View of pasture with hills in the distance.

Win-win: farming can help nature thrive and vice versa

Many farmers are already tapping into innovative resources, actively sowing the seeds of positive change for on-farm biodiversity. 
A velvet worm rearing its head up.

Exploring the ancient and alien-like peripatus, “velvet worm”

Peripatus, sometimes called velvet worms are stumpy-legged invertebrates that look like caterpillars and live on the forest floor.
Gary and Tom standing in front of a trap tunnel with their dog, Arnie.

Bonding for the birds: father and son trapping team

In Lyttelton Harbour, a story of family, nature, and the bond between a father, his son, and their furry companion unfolds.
Capitalise on possums social behaviour and create a possum nightclub to knock down numbers in breeding season. Image credit: PFNZ

Give your birdlife a boost and create a possum nightclub

A possum nightclub might sound like a conservation nightmare, but it's a great way to give your birdlife a helping hand.