Search results for: "hedgehog"

Hedgehog with an egg shell in its mouth

Hedgehog control in the Mackenzie Basin

Nick Foster talks about his research on the movement and habitat use of hedgehogs in upland areas.
Hedgehog in leaf litter at night

7 surprising facts about hedgehogs

Hedgehogs were introduced to make British settlers feel at home. The impact they have on native species is now only just being understood. 
A close up of beech trees

Blue Mountains study shows 1080 effective – even for hedgehogs, mice

A 1080 operation in the Blue Mountains, West Otago, not only controlled rats, stoats and possums but also had an impact on mice and hedgehogs.
A juvenile kārearea (NZ falcon) inspects a hedgehog in a Whākatane backyard.

5 super cool backyard wildlife encounters of 2023

An entirely subjective and contestable compilation of wonderful wildlife encounters in 2023 — all unfolding right in people's gardens.
Cicada shedding its old skin with the number 10 overlaid

10 most-read articles of all time

For nearly a decade, the Trust has been writing all things predator free. Have you read our most popular articles?
A wrybill sitting amongst the rocks

‘Fake news’ foils would be predators

To survive and succeed in the wild, every meal an introduced predator eats has to be worth the effort and energy it takes to obtain it.
Image of rolling Waikato hills

Waikato pest distribution, detectability studied

Pests are more widespread and harder to remove than is commonly assumed. Absence of captures after an operation does not necessarily indicate success.
A view of mangroves

Uncovering the secret life of urban mangroves

What do we know about New Zealand’s mangroves? Not nearly as much as we know about our forests and many other habitats.
A native grasshopper amongst large stones

Insects get eaten too – so does predator control help grasshoppers?

Invertebrates have been found in 10-30% of cat guts and scats in the Mackenzie Basin, suggesting rare grasshoppers, could be vulnerable to mammal predators.
Birds, not rats rule the roost at Lynmore School

Birds, not rats rule the roost at Lynmore School

Last term Lynmore School in Rotorua took delivery of 10 rescue hens. “It was pretty cool,” says teacher Andrew Doyle.
Thermal imaging reveals Tekapo pests and predator

Thermal imaging reveals Tekapo pests and predator

When Sam Staley went to the Defence Force’s Tekapo Military Training Area to run the Military Camp and Training Area, one of the tasks at the time was pest control.
A black fronted tern in flight

No sanctuary option for terns

Not every species can be saved by moving it to a predator free island. It has helped the black robin - but it won’t help the black-fronted tern. Islands simply don’t have the habitat that the terns need to breed.
A large snail in leaf litter

Rats – are they gastropod gourmets?

Rats are quick and nimble. Snails... not so much. So our native snails are very much at the mercy of introduced rats, should rats choose to eat them.
birds wading in a shallow stream with mountainous landscape in the distance

BRaid needs YOU!

Calling all Cantabrians and Southlanders – and any other South Islanders living near or exploring the region’s many braided river systems.
A skink basking on a rock

Habitat modification – complex relationships

Habitat modification – what’s good for native wildlife and what isn’t? Weta can thrive, living in the crevices provided by large introduced trees.