Southland field trips

Bluff Hill MotupohueVolunteers provide guided walks for students. A school visit outlining the work of the Trust can also be arranged prior to students doing a tour of the project. High school and Southern Institute of Technology students are invited to be involved in restoration projects. No charge, koha welcome.Get in touch
Bushy Point Restoration ProjectOffers school groups tours and education sessions focussing on restoration projects, including planting and predator control. Get in touch
Kids Restore the KeplerOpen to all schools to walk the track. Activities depend on student requirements but include species tracking, trapping and freshwater.No charge.Get in touch
Southland Community NurseryThey have a Nature Education Centre on site. Local schools can propagate native plants and engage in various educational sessions in groups of up to 40 children. Has a range of resources to support visits. No charge.Get in touch