Marlborough, Nelson and Tasman field trips

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  11. Marlborough, Nelson and Tasman field trips

Brook Waimārama SanctuaryTours for primary, secondary and tertiary schools in various subjects and can teach off-site (schools, conference rooms etc). Subjects include: conservation, the sanctuaries mission to reintroduce lost species, guiding, Nelson Nature and halo concept and positive responses to climate change.$3 per student.Get in touch
Project JanszoonProvides an education programme within the Abel Tasman National Park. Local primary and secondary schools can ‘Adopt a Section’ and become active partners in the management of a specific section of the park. They have an Education Toolbox.No charge.Get in touch
Kaipupu Wildlife SanctuaryProvides a range of educational programmes that can be tailored to suit a school groups needs, from Early Childhood Education to Year 13. They also offer one-off school visits to deliver sustainability talks. School groups can also be involved in restoration projects.No charge, however, there is a water taxi cost which is normally $5-$10 dollars.Get in touch
Picton Dawn ChorusTalks for local schools about controlling introduced predators in order to restore our native bird life and schools are able to visit trap lines.No charge.Get in touch
Nelson Marlborough Institute of TechnologyIntroduction to 'Predator Trapping Methods' workshop provides an overview of NZ introduced predators, focusing on rats, stoats and possums, their impacts and control methods. Involves developing an effective predator control plan and gain practical experience. Offered to high school and adult learners. Linked to Unit Standard qualifications.$250.0800 422 733