The current round of Predator Free Backyard Communities funding is open. Communities wanting to become predator free can now apply for funding that will support trapping in their backyards.
To be eligible to apply for funding a community should be a suburb or town, or a community of rural houses clustered together. The programme specifically targets rats, stoats, ferrets, weasels and possums. It doesn’t cover reserves, lifestyle blocks, farms, councils or government land. But does include schools, marae and other community spaces e.g. community and scout halls, bowling clubs and RSA’s.
Now is a great time to get together with a few-like minded people in your community and talk about your conservation goals for your neighbourhood.
Anyone can apply for funding but you can check your eligibility with a quick funding test.
If you have any questions, try our PF Backyards Funding FAQs.
Funding closed Sunday 18th July 2021