Stories and research

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Three women stand infront of trapping tunnels

Survey investigates huge volunteer contribution

It has been estimated that between 25,000 and 45,000 people belong to community-based environmental groups in New Zealand. That’s a lot of volunteer work and,…

A small brown mouse

Mice – should we be worried?

When there’s a mouse in your pantry you notice – but in the wider environment they’re common and inconspicuous. It’s difficult to know what impact…

A kokako on a branch

Puketi Forest Trust’s battle for kōkako leads to breeding success

The kōkako are back and breeding successfully in Northland’s Puketi Forest, but it’s been a long battle to get them there – a battle fought…

A whio duck standing on a log.

Blue ducks – how different is ‘different’?

Blue ducks (whio) live in both the North and South Island – they’re isolated by distance, but how isolated are they genetically? Physically there are…

Babs and Jon Tucker on a forest walk

Children’s author goes ‘predator free’ in latest adventure novel

‘When children’s author, Jon Tucker, was a teenager growing up in Nelson, he married the girl next door and they began to build a boat…

A rat eating a snail

Rats, elevation and implications of climate change

Ship rats are known to be good and climbing trees – but what are they like at climbing mountains? If our climate gets warmer, might…

Camera traps catch images when triggered

Al Glen captures predator portraits on camera

Monitoring cryptic animals is one of the big challenges of becoming predator free, according to Auckland-based Landcare Research scientist, Dr Al Glen. “Predators are cryptic,”…

Robin perched on a branch

Conservation geneticists want to build a bridge to DOC

Conservation genetics has implications for all sorts of conservation measures. Whether it be choosing the source birds for a translocation to a new sanctuary to…

Lizard feet spread out on a gloved hand

Stoat research is not for the squeamish

WARNING: [stomach] contents may disturb sensitive readers. When Jamie McAulay opens his mail in the morning he often finds “a lovely, delightful, maggoty mess!” Jamie…

A rat amongst leaf litter

What’s the story with genetic pest management (GPM)?

Breakthrough genetic technologies are likely to play a key role in achieving a predator-free future. But it’s important that we understand what the various technologies…

A selfie of Shona with an albatross on a nest in the background

Wind beneath their wings

New Zealand is the albatross capital of the world, with more than a dozen varieties. So where do they all live and why are so…

Grant Norbury with a mountainous background

Putting the case for ‘bottom up’

Mostly we get rid of introduced predators by, well – killing predators. It works, up to a point. But if you can’t get rid of…

Prototype of the cacophany recorder

Open Source is key to bringing back the cacophony

Early New Zealand was noisy. Cook and his crew experienced a ‘cacophony of sound’ on their first voyage. It’s that loud, raucous, exuberance which Banks…

An old black and white image of a campsite

Liberation of stoats and weasels – a look back in time

Why did they do it? What possessed New Zealand’s government of the day, its citizens and acclimatisation societies to introduce rabbits and then stoats? It’s…

Icy beginning for Mapua Dawn Chorus

Icy beginning for Mapua Dawn Chorus

Mapua Dawn Chorus held an open day recently to kick off their backyard trapping. There’s already an extensive trapping network around the nearby Waimea estuary,…