The faces of the predator free movement

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  7. The faces of the predator free movement

From boardrooms to the bush, from artists’ studios to the laboratories of scientists, from golf courses to community meeting halls, a diverse array of people have united under the common banner of preserving our precious wildlife.


Artists Hannah Shand, Sarah Little, Melissa Boardman

When it comes to protecting the native and endemic wildlife of Aotearoa, a pen and a camera can be just as vital as traps and bait.


A collage of business owners who incorporate predator control - Business owners Maria Kuster and Sean Ellis (Pure Salt), Aaron McFarlane (Shelley Beach Top 10 Holiday Park) and Possyum.

Businesses of all sizes are stepping up to incorporate predator free into their business model and redefining success beyond profit margins.

Trampers, bikers, golfers

A collage of outdoor activities.

Outdoor enthusiasts, such as trampers and hikers, become advocates for predator free initiatives because they witness the impact of pests on natural environments firsthand.

Mana whenua

A collage of mana whenua projects - Estelle Pura Pera-Leask, staff from Tapora Land & Coast Care Group and staff from Tū Mai Taonga on Aotea Great Barrier Island.

Drawing from their profound connection to the land, mana whenua weave together mātauranga, cultural values, and innovative strategies to protect ecosystems from invasive predators – not only protecting native species but also revitalising a deep spiritual connection to the land.


Holly with big pile of agapanthus.

Guardians of green spaces are cultivating not just plants – they are nurturing habitats where native wildlife can flourish.

Engineers and innovators

Collage of different innovators and engineers - Innovators and engineers Grant Ryan, Helen Blackie and Phil Bell.

Visionary problem-solvers are crafting ingenious solutions to outwit invasive predators. From the design of smarter traps to AI technologies, their work represents the cutting edge of conservation.


Two retirees building trap tunnels, Lynn Andrews and Peter Whitehead

Do you think retirement means putting your feet up with a good book and a cup of tea? Not for these guys.

Hunters and vegans

Hunter Sam Gibson and vegan trapper Brad Windust

It even transcends dietary choices, with hunters and vegans converging in the shared mission of creating a predator free New Zealand.

Young people

Apprentice Simon Lamb and Māia Gibbs and herpetologist Sam Purdie

Young people aren’t sitting idly by – they are redefining the future of nature and conservation. Either volunteering or making a career out of protecting wildlife, they are making a big impact.


Farmers Dan Steele (Blue Duck station), Dan and Billie Herries (Taramoa Station), Rob and Alison Barry (Barry Farms), Nick and Nicky Dawson (Patoka)

Farmers are forging a new path where farming and conservation go hand in hand.

National map

Click our map to discover the extent of predator control being undertaken throughout the country.

Click our map to discover the extent of predator control being undertaken throughout the country.

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To connect and energise all New Zealanders towards a predator free New Zealand to enable our native species to thrive.

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