ProviderOfferingCostContact details
East Taranaki Environment Trust / Experience PūrangiProvide on-site science based learning that fits with NZ curriculum (level 1 – 4), including long tail bats, fresh water & bugs, kiwi and kōkako. Includes in-class support for teachers. There is also an annual outreach programme visiting Taranaki schools with Sparky the kiwi. One-hour kiwi programme delivered to ECE's and new entrants. Some downloadable resources are available. Nominal fee. POAGet in touch
Rotokare Scenic Reserve TrustRotokare is a community-led, predator-free sanctuary that provides curriculum-linked, hands-on education progammes for ECE-NCEA levels. Nine "Eco-Detective" modules explore aspects of biodiversity for Yr0-10, while "Forest and Wetland Health" offers NCEA standard assessments (Level 1-3). Specialised programmes like "Discover Your Schoolyard" and "Artisitc Adaptations" are available seasonally and can be hosted at school.$4.50 per student. Transport subsidies may be avaliable. Online booking form
Taranaki Regional CouncilEnvironmental education inspiring young people to take positive action. Identify native species to protect and the impact of pest species in the local environment. Work towards restoring native habitats through monitoring and trapping methods. Resources and equipment provided as well as ongoing advice and support.No costGet in touch