National map

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Click and drag the map to navigate around the country and zoom into areas of interest. Red polygons highlight community, hapu/iwi, and private landowner driven predator control projects. Add additional layers or turn on the legend from the menu on the left-hand corner. You can view a full screen version of the map here.

Map by target species

This map shows the same information but highlighted by target species; orange for possum, blue for mustelid, yellow for rodent, and pink for projects where a mixture of predator control is being undertaken. You can view a full screen version of the map here.

Add your group to the map

Our map is not yet complete. If you are making a contribution to predator control (and it doesn’t matter how small) we want to know about it. Adding your group to the map will help volunteers and others connect with you.

Read our privacy policy if you have any questions about what we do with the information collected.

Make changes to your group on the map

If you’ve already mapped your group data somewhere else, or want to make changes to your information on our map, please contact us and we’ll organise to collect the information.